Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meet my special friend

This little note book went with me everywhere. It's a simple note book with perforated lined pages. I separated it into sections with room tabs, I made the tabs out of folded paper, and tape. I purchased self sticking card holders at the office supply store. These little pockets were worth every cent. They kept all the vendors I dealt with at hand.
As I collected color swatches of fabric, paint color pallets; I found on an online site, and photos, I slipped them all into their designated section in the book for easy excess.

I know it seems like going from finding a lot, to putting together a design book, a big leap but it took awhile, and it kept me busy, while we waited for the house to be built.
The sketch to the right is a computer generated design of my kitchen. More about that later.

In The Beginning

We decided, my husband and I, that it was time to give up our large city house, and find a convenient living house, for our "senior" years. So we looked around at what was available, and decided that every existing house we saw, needed much work, so the next thought was to build.
We drove around to see what was available in developments. I didn't like the idea of a development that was so tucked away, that I'd never be able to find my way out of it. So we found one close to shopping and easy excess. And that's how it all began, with a Sunday afternoon ride, to just LOOK........

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February isn't pretty any more

Welcome to my site

All are welcome to take this journey with me, in home building

and landscaping. Comments and suggestions are greatly encouraged.