Thursday, April 30, 2009

Moving Along

This lot was not our first choice, I said, " I'd like not to have a lot with the electrical boxes, as a prominent landscape feature." Fine, they said.

We had to pick a different lot, because we added 6ft. to the floor plan. Manholes and electrical boxes are only a couple of my landscaping challenges.
I was at work, while these gentlemen pondered where exactly, and how they were going to place my 2 raised beds. Some serious thinking, looks to me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let the Games Begin

View of left+right sides of house.My paint spray of property line, on right. Isn't that "man hole" lovely; it will make a nice scape challenge. You can see the veggie bins waiting in the garage.

This is a list of front yard plantings-
The Dogwood, is being relaced with The Redbud Clump.

Front yard

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



And waiting for........

The article in the magazine said,"you can complete this inexpensive project in a weekend." The project was to include :
One 6-ft.-long 4x4
Six 8-ft.-long 2x6s
32 #14 wood screws (3 1/2in. each)
One 4-10ft. roll of 1/4 inch-mesh hardware cloth.
32 cu.ft. (1 1/5cu. yds.) planting mix

Now the mistake my MUSCLE and I made, was to assume the home improvement store carried 4ft. rolls of 1/4 inch mesh. They don't, they carry 3ft. 1/4 inch mesh. So we should have checked to see if we could get all the materials, before beginning the project. You can see our lovely patch work. The mesh came with a wire wrapped around the rolls, so we wove it through the mesh to secure the patches together.
The rolls of mesh were $13.00 each, 2 rolls per bed. The lumber was $44.00, per bed. We made two beds.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Pot is Brewing

This is where my garden shed is going to go, right between those two trees. There are little orange flags on the ground edging my invisible shed. The shadow at the bottom left corner is my house. I won't have to look at that plastic bag around a "manhole" drain behind the shed, after it's in place.
The shed pictured is similar to the one I'm getting. On the short end, there will be double doors like the one pictured. The window, with widow box will be on the left long side of the shed. The landscaping is going to begin on the April 27th, and the shed is going to built on site May 4th. I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This is a very rough way to make a slideshow presentation, but I have wasted enough time trying to get a "slideshow" on Blogger. I tried a slideshow presentation through Photobucket, then from Flickr, but the slideshow Widget for Blogger just kept giving me an error message. I'm exhausted! Anyway if you click on VIEW ALL IMAGES at the bottom of the post, you'll see the finished product." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=3530822107873083074&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">


These are my babies = 17 tomato plants, and 12 sweet pepper plants. The tomatoes have been re-potted once.

They're now 2 inches from a "grow"light in the basement covered with a coat hanger frame, covered with plastic wrap. I started them 6 weeks ago. It is only about 60 degrees in my basement.

On the second floor where it is very warm, and in front of an East facing window are my flower babies. It's only been a couple of days. It snowed today.....again. We're very optimistic people here in the North. Spring will COME!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Fall Images passed on to me, so beautiful

Buchart Gardens, British Columbia, Canada